Alan Casey Entertainment Agency - Australia
Brisbane - Sydney - Melbourne - Adelaide - Gold Coast - Sunshine Coast - Toowoomba -
Ipswich - North Coast |
Best of Irish Bands - Entertainment - Music - Dance - Acts
A Touch of Guinness, Barley Shakers, Blarney, Celtic Connection, Celtic Contact, Celtic Quintet, Celtic Roots, Classic Irish, Connecmara,
Dreaming, Culprits, Fiddle About, Gail Force, Greg Doney, Ishka, Jack be quick,
Jar, Magic Hat, Mixed Emotion, Mooncoin, Moonshine,
Murphys Pig, Musical Priests, Mz Conduct, O”Briens, Rafferty, Rende Vous, Robbie Dunn, Silken Thomas, Slainte, Spirit of the Glenn,
Tartin About,
The Ghost, Thornlands, Tis, Tulcamor, Wild Thyme, Irish Pub Bands, Irish
Dancers, Celtic Music, Irish Theme, St Patrick's Day Entertainment, St
Paddys Day Fun, Irish Music, Irish Entertainment, Irish Wedding, Irish
Tenor, Celtic Harp,