Alan Casey Entertainment
Agency - Australia
Brisbane - Sydney - Melbourne - Gold Coast - Sunshine
Coast - Toowoomba - Ipswich - North Coast
New South Wales - Queensland - Victoria - South Australia
Ph 1300 666 286
International 61 + 422 434 014

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Classic Rock & Rock n Roll
Song List - Click Here

Feast Show
Five gentlemen from around the globe have gathered to enjoy and indulge
in what they love - that is faithfully recreating the sights,
sounds and
styles of the popular classic hits, and mixing that with the best of
contemporary music.
The Retronomes have wowed audiences across Australia with their
legendary Tribute Shows and bring the highest level of professionalism
to every venue.
This award winning ensemble features musical
performances delivered with uncanny exuberance - a musical feast of
grooves, licks, and driving rhythms
that make the band’s music so
undeniably dynamic.
With their repertoire of hit songs and elements from all of their
successful tribute shows,
the Retronomes can musically cater for any
event large or small -
the Retronomes can rock your socks off or slip
into the background as the situation requires

Gold Coast - Brisbane - Northern NSW - Sunshine Coast -