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Johnny The Jester - Magic - Kid Stuff
Brisbane - Gold Coast - Sunshine Coast - North NSW - Ipswich - Toowoomba - SE QLD

Magic for Kids

My childrens magical python show is very interactive with lots of laughter and screaming from the little ones as well as the older ones.
I have live animals in my show which include a rabbit called “Stewart” and a dove called “Dorothy”. Both of which, disappear and reappear in a comical fashion.

On completion of the Magic Show I go straight into my Python Demonstration.
This gives the children an opportunity to play and touch, one on one with real pythons and then the chance to actually put the pythons around their shoulders.
While this is taking place it gives you, the mums and dads a chance to take photos of your children with your own cameras, and then maybe have a go yourselves.

Python Demo

The Python Demonstration is very educational. We talk about many aspects which relate to snakes in the wild.  Example;
What to do if you see a snake in the wild or in your backyard.
The importance of looking after our local habitats in order to conserve all living creatures.
I always bring at least two different types of pythons to my shows, that way we can not only explain the difference of each python, but tell you where they are each from.  Example; Common Brisbane carpet, which live in your own backyards; or  A Water Python which live near rivers and creeks.

The size of the function and the amount of people attending the event will indicate to me how many animals I will need to bring along to the show.
For example, more animals are required for a Shopping Centre as oppose to a backyard birthday party.
The duration of my birthday party Magical Python Show is.

  • Magic show: 45 min            Python Demo 15 min              Total time 60 min

Price on application



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