Alan Casey Entertainment
Agency - Australia
Brisbane - Sydney - Melbourne - Gold Coast - Sunshine
Coast - Toowoomba - Ipswich - North Coast
New South Wales - Queensland - Victoria - South Australia
Ph 1300 666 286
International 61 + 422 434 014

Contact Us
Simon Bolt
Live DJ - Solo - Duo - Trio - Band
Disc Jockey - Guitar Vocal -
Keyboard Vocal - Classical Guitar - Classic Piano - Sax

Simon on Guitar Vocal

Simon on Piano Vocal
Piano Only - No Vocal - Elegant Instrumental

Duo with Female Vocals
Bolt - Duo Combinations - Band Combinations
Hours of continuous seamless, quality music starting with Simon
performing elegant semi-classical / smooth jazz piano, moving into
romantic ballads
and Latin Jazz,
followed by more upbeat music
the evening progress incorporating
DJs Zee’s unique style of DJing providing rhythmic loops for
Simon’s unique virtuoso
playing and singing resulting in a kind of Café Del Mar style of
slick music and other house forms as well as classic styles.
Jazz - Swing - Modern -
Covers - Classic Rock - Funk - Soul - RnB - Latin - Rock N Roll -
Boogie - Blues + More,

I would like to congratulate you on your great
performances at the Suppliers and Gala Awards Dinners at the CRT
It was a privilege to hear you perform and everyone attended both
events enjoyed your performance.
Thank you for your contribution to the success of the Conference.
Travis Dillon Managing Director & CEO
Ruralco Holdings Limited CRT National Conference,
February 2016 – Gold Coast
Price subject to date, time required, location of