Roving Music
Brisbane - QLD

Sydney - NSW

Melbourne - VIC
Stilt Walkers

Brisbane - QLD
Sydney - NSW
Melbourne - VIC
Around Australia
Fun Characters
Brisbane - QLD

Sydney - NSW

Melbourne - Adelaide - Perth
LED Night Acts

Brisbane - QLD
Sydney - NSW
Melbourne - VIC
Around Australia

Around Australia
Carnival Acts

Around Australia
Balloon Benders

Around Australia
Bubble Makers

Around Australia

Hula Hoopers


Live Statues


Fun Waiters


Glamour Girls




  Alan Casey Entertainment Agency - Australia
Brisbane - Sydney - Melbourne - Adelaide - Perth - Gold Coast - West - North - South - Australia
New South Wales - Queensland - Victoria - South Australia - Western Australia
Main Menu   Ph: 1300 666 286    International 61 + 422 434 014


Stilt Walkers Fees vary depending on the Act - Time required - Location - Venue access - Event requirements

1hr call  - 2hr call - 3hr calls are available with breaks
Guide only - Contact us for firm prices
From $600 +GST for a Solo
From $1000 +GST for a Duo
Plus Travel Fees and expenses where required

Subject to - Date, Time Location, Details

COVID-19 Safety Information

Performers are above the audience during the performance making this act very safe. 
They can wear gloves ( while performing). Matching masks can also be made at clients request.
During performer’s breaks they will follow Government's Covid-19 safety guidelines and venue guidelines.
Costumes get disinfected/cleaned before and after performances. 

Indoor performance
  • Ceiling height:  3 meters to 4m minimum unobstructed. ( depending on particular act), 
    Please ensure ceiling height is sufficient without low hanging decorations or lights so that performers
    have enough height to perform with plenty of clearance, without risk of injury.
  • Floor space: available to walk through tables or around obstacles.
  • Change room: Performers arrive 1 hr prior to starting time to get ready in costume/ make-up and warm-up.
    We need enough space in the change room for our costumes ( they are big!) and to get ready. 
    Table and chairs need to be set up inside or outside of change room to get up on our stilts.
    Level access or lift to performance area.

Outdoor performance
  • Floor space: require available to walk through tables or around obstacles.
  • Change room: Performers arrive 1 hr prior to starting time to get ready in costume/ make-up and warm-up.
    They need enough space in the change room for our costumes ( as they are big!) and to get ready. 
    Table and chairs need to be set up inside or outside of change room to get up on our stilts. Level access or lift to performance area
Safety Information

Artists have safety measures for public performance and hold current individual certificates of international public liability insurance to the value of $20,000,000. 
Each performer has their own personal Public Liability and Personal Injury/Accident Insurance.

:: In case of extreme weather :: ( Outdoors)
Performers  will turn up and get ready and wait for a chance to perform, but: 
  • Unfortunately performers can’t perform under the rain or if the floor is slippery in which case they will still expect full payment. 
  • If temperatures go above 35º C the sets will have to be rearranged to allow performers to re-hydrate and cool down regularly and avoid heat stroke. 
  • In high/extreme wind some costumes/acts aren’t safe to perform in which case we will inform you on arrival if safe to proceed, if not they will still expect full payment.            
: On the day::
Client to provide 
  • A secure change room for the performers with mirror, clothes rack, table and chairs. Toilets aren't suitable. 
  • Water and refreshments in change room.
  • A  parking space per performer for the duration of the job or reimbursement of parking fees.
  • A contact mobile number for the day/night of the performance.