Alan Casey Entertainment Agency - Australia
Brisbane - Sydney - Melbourne - Gold Coast - Sunshine Coast - Toowoomba - Ipswich - North Coast
New South Wales - Queensland - Victoria - South Australia

Ph 1300 666 286   International 61 + 422 434 014   Main Menu



Christmas Belles - Sydney


The Christmas Belles Get into the festive spirit with some gorgeous carolling from these girls!
This female A Cappella trio ( All regular singers with Opera Australia) 
have been delighting audiences for years with their glorious harmonies, warm smiles and engaging performances. 


Carol Singing from $1200 + GST
Subject to Date, Time, Location, etc

Indoor performing spaces, and water and safe storage area required.


We require a booking form and 40 % deposit to secure your booking.



 Email Us     Phone: 1300 666 286



Christmas Props



Santa Hire