Alan Casey Entertainment Agency - Australia
Brisbane - Sydney - Melbourne - Gold Coast - Sunshine Coast - Toowoomba - Ipswich - North Coast
New South Wales - Queensland - Victoria - South Australia

Ph 1300 666 286   International 61 + 422 434 014   Main Menu


How Much - Bands Cost
Prices vary subject to Date of the Event - Time required - Location of Event


Bands vary in cost depending on quality of the Musicians performing in the Band


 The following is a guide only and subject to change

Based on a 3- 4 hour Booking Call


Solo Musician Entertainer Rates

 $1000+ for Best in Town

$750+ for High Quality

  $600+ for Quality Bands

   $500+ for Good Band
$400+ for Club Standard


Band Rates - $$$ Per Musician
 $1000+ for Best in Town

$750+ for High Quality

  $600+ for Quality Bands

   $500+ for Good Band
$400+ For Club Standard


+ 10 % GST Goods & Services Tax


Add to the above the following fees if applicable

 + Travel costs if required (outside capital or base city areas )


 + Extra production costs if your audiences is over 200 attending


+ 25% per any additional hours over 4hrs



New Years Eve, Christmas Day, Christmas Eve,

Peak special days or dates may double or triple rates



Other Prime Days may also increase the rates of a band

Australia Day, St Patrick's Day, Melbourne Cup, Mothers Day, Oktoberfest, etc.


You pay musicians from the moment you wish the music to start the music for the day
to the moment you want them to stop and they can pack up and go home.


Any stops and starts in the middle of the program etc. are to be paid as performance time.




Q. Arrival & Setup
When does the band arrive and setup - Do we pay for this ?  NO

Bands arrive and are set up ready approximately 1hr prior to commencement of music.

Example if the music starts at 7pm - the band usually would arrive early and be ready by 6.30pm.
You do not pay for this set up time.
You only pay for the band from the first song to the last song of the night.


Extra Early Setup

If you require the band to be set up extra early this can incur extra costs.

The extra time is called down time and is calculated at 50% of performance time

Example if you wanted the band to set up 3 hours prior to commencement
1 hour for set up and 2 hours waiting around to start

They may charge you down time

If your paying $400 per musician for 4hrs = $100 per hour per musician

Down time is then $50 per hour per musician



What breaks do bands take - Do they play recorded music during the breaks ?


Mostly all amplified music groups play music through their sound system while on breaks.

Instrumental groups eg. String Quartets, Harpists etc. do not play music during the breaks.


The average break period in a 4hr performance is
 4 x 45 minute sets on stage with 3 x 20 minute breaks

In a 5hr performance is
 5 x 44 minute sets on stage with 4 x 20 minute breaks




Requesting Songs
Will the band play special requested songs ?

Yes - If they have the songs in their repertoire

Some high quality professional bands are willing to rehearse a special song for you at no additional cost.

Please note that they will require ample notice. at least 30 days to prepare this for you.

If you require more than one song additional costs may occur.


Note you can supply your own music to be played through the Sound System during the bands Breaks



GST  - Goods & Services Tax
What is GST & do all bands charge it ?

Goods & Services Tax is a government tax imposed in Australia, calculated at 10%.


Eg. If a Band costs $1500 the GST would be $150 making a total of $1650 to be paid.




Speeches & Announcements
Can I use the microphone for speeches & announcements

Yes - Bands, Musicians, DJs etc. are willing to allow you to use a microphone during the performance time.

As the microphones are attached by leads to the bands sound system
you would need to stand on or close to the stage for this purpose.

If you require a roving microphone, this would need to be hired - We can arrange this specially at a small additional cost.

It is wise to check with your functions/venue manager as most venues have roving radio microphones and PA's
available as part of the venue's facilities.




How do I pay for a Band

Once you have Chosen the band you want we will send you by email a Confirmation Booking Agreement


You then have a written copy of the booking to ensure all is correct


Usually a deposit will be required - usually 25%
50 % for main line acts and peak or prime days/dates

The balance paid on the day of performance or prior to performance
Subject to Priority of the band or date of event




Dangers in Booking Bands & Acts Direct

  • Act becomes ill or has a personal emergency – You’re left without entertainment
  • Act has an accident on the way - You have no back up

  • Act is offered a better paying or impressive show - You are dropped for the better gig
  • Act has an emergency in the family - You’re left with no assistance
  • Act decides the money you first negotiated is not enough – He now wants more money
    – You pay extra to retain your entertainment
  • Act makes a mistake and double books himself - You end up with the raw end of the deal
  • Act completely forgets your booking- No entertainment turns up
  • Act charges you top dollar - more than he is really worth - You pay money you didn’t need to
  • Act gets the details wrong - has the wrong times - goes to the wrong location
  • Act is offered a residency, which runs regularly - one of the nights, is on your date - Act drops out on your show
  • Act knows that this is a one of performance - No need to worry about keeping a high profile
  • He abuses your hospitality, eating and drinking at his leisure
  • He takes long breaks beyond what is agreed
  • He overlooks your requests and performs his own show without concern for you or your guests

The Best of Entertainment can turn into a nightmare when you Book Direct  

Entertainers - Musicians - Performers do a better job when booked by a Agency

Performers do not want to upset the Agency as they can loose a lot of future bookings


Email Us     Phone: 1300 666 286

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